How to get sponsorship from WoodClub?

We created WoodClub to help grow the fingerboard community in Europe! Do you want us to sponsor you? Continue reading!

Use the hashtag #WoodClubSponsorMe and tag us

The best way to get a sponsorship from us is to use the hashtag #WoodClubSponsorMe and tag us, so that we can see all the posts you add with our products.
We cannot guarantee that we will sponsor everyone, but thanks to this hashtag we will definitely notice you! We monitor this hashtag regularly!


WoodClub Team

The WoodClub Team consists of passionate fingerboard riders and we have picked them to become part of our fingerboarding family. The riders create content four our and their social media, both videos and photos, where they represent the WoodClub brand.

Thanks to the sponsorship, you will become part of the WoodClub family and you will receive free products from us (fingerboards, ramps, accessories, etc.). You will have exclusive access to all our new products and we might make a custom collection of fingerboards with you!


Frequently asked questions

How often should I add posts to Instagram with the hashtag?

The more frequently and more regularly you use the #WoodClubSponsorMe hashtag in your posts and tag us, the more likely we are to pick you.

Do I get free products?

Yes! We will discuss with you what you would like to get and we will ship you fingerboards and ramps regularly for free.

What do I have to do to get a sponsorship?

Here is a list of requirements you must meet:

  • You love fingerboarding!
  • You are a fan of WoodClub brand!
  • You got the skills to make good videos!
  • You regularly create fingerboard content for your Instagram and other social media!
  • You want to help with building a fingerboarding community in Europe!


If you do not understand anything or you have any questions, contact us at and we will be happy to help you!